Monday, August 4, 2014

Dr Suriyakhatun-merawat usus bayi

Dari Dr Suriyakhatun
Adakalanya saya akan rawat ibu yang menyusukan anak bila dia bawa anaknya untuk rawatan eczema.
Mengapa begitu ?
Sama ada susu ibu mengandungi bakteria baik atau tidak bergantung kepada kesihatan usus ibu,
Jika ibu ada masaalah usus, susunya tidak mengandungi bakteria baik maka usus bayinya pun terjejas juga .
Makanan yang dimakan oleh ibu yang ada masaalah usus juga akan mengakibatkan lebih alahan pada bayi yang alah ( food allergy)
Maka, itulah sebabnya ibu yang menyuskan pun perlu dirawat bila bayinya ada masaalah
1. penghazaman , selalu kembung, ceret beret atau susah nak naik berat badan
2. Penyakit atopy ie asthma eczema allergic rhinitis , allergic conjunctivitis
3. selalu demam dan mendapat infeksi , selsema batuk bronchitis

Ada juga nenek yang suruh ibu hentikan susu badan sebab dia mengesyakki susu anaknya tidak baik untuk cucunya . Jangan begitu, mungkin betul pendapat nenek tapi solusinya bukan hentikan susu badan tapi rawat ibu itu supaya susunya bermutu!
Kalau hentikan susu badan, yang digantikan tidak akan dapat mendandingi susu ibu !

Dibawah ini tentang probiotic dalam susu ibu.
Khasiat susu ibu semua orang sedia maklum.

Br J Nutr. 2007 Oct;98 Suppl 1:S96-100.
Beneficial effects of probiotic bacteria isolated from breast milk.
Lara-Villoslada F1, Olivares M, Sierra S, Rodríguez JM, Boza J, Xaus J.
Author information

Breast milk is the best food for the neonate because it provides a unique combination of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals and vitamins that ensures the correct growth and development of the infant. In addition, it also contains bioactive compounds responsible for a wide range of beneficial effects such as the promotion of immune system maturation and the protection against infections. Among these bioactive agents, probiotic bacteria have been recently isolated from human milk. The present work reviews the beneficial effects of these bacteria both in animal models and in clinical trials. The promotion of immune system maturation and defence against infections as well as the anti-inflammatory properties are among the main healthy effects of these bacteria. The isolation of probiotic bacteria with beneficial effects for the host provides scientific support for the supplementation of infant formula with these bacteria, in order to advance the pursuit of the main goal of formula: to mimic breast milk and its functional effects as closely as possible.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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